

Saturday 29 October 2011

Crisis Plans - Basic Needs

Today i would like to write about social media crisis and the basics plans company needs.!!!

Does your company have a social media back-up plan??? do you???
When a crisis hits, we as a PR person in our company need to jump on it immediately.  Otherwise, things can easily spiral out of control.  If we don't know what to do, we can easily miss the chances or make a things worse..

What Good???
A major incident spread through the internet like wildlife showcasing just on how important social media really is actually??? I read about the case of "an editor at cook's source magazine".  A cooking and recipe rag in the north-east US, decided to rip off a recipe she found on the internet.  When the victim contacted her about the compensation, the editor responded she should be lucky because the magazine included her at all.

What can we do??
A social media crisis plan doesn't take too much work to set up.  Start by determining what the potential problems might be, will it likely be something about the product or service.  Known in advanced what might get throw the way so that we can prepare to block it when the situation actually arises.  Instead of floundering around, or ignoring the situation like cook source did, we will have a step by step plan to follow.  We have to consider by giving everyone on staff separate tasks.  when time is of the essence, say during a major product recall, we may not be able to handle angry facebook and twitter posts all at once. 

Think of the social media crisis plan as our fire drill.

Friday 28 October 2011

The Keys to Social Media Success

There are many keys to success with social media.  Instead of just having to use one to unlock a door, you're required to use many for just only one lock!! One door might need the build relationships key as well as the do proper research to unlock the key.  Another door requires the learn SEO to build a community and to hire social medai manager keys before it opens.

However the prizes behind these door make the effect and key searching well worth it, whether you're already required a few of these or are just starting out and need some motivation, by knowing what the end result is can be very helpful.

Deep Loyalty with Customers
This is the one of the biggest doors we can unlock, and it may require most of the keys we have on the social media key ring.  These keys include "branding", "tweet useful info" and inspire confidence among many others.  Loyalty from the customers can result in long term ROI and steadily increasing revenue.  However, it's not about money.  Brand loyalty might also mean forgiveness in the face of a good or scandal.  Also, it can vbe used a gateway to future loyal customers when we tell all the friends and family members about us.

Better Reputation
For this door, we need keys like "respond to gripes on Facebook", "donate to charity" and "have a back-up plan in case of a disaster"  Behind this door lies the opportunity to be better known throughout the world as a reputable business.  When the general public sees how well we handle a crises of everyday questions and complaints, it will eventually strike them that we treat customers like each one is a treasure.  When it happens, the public will become confident that when they deal with us they will get a satisfactory customer experience.  From the moment they enter our shop or log into our website, all their needs will be met.  Confidence in the business willingness to always do the right thing can quickly translate into money in the pocket. 

Become a brand
Are you really want your business to be known for your product??? i think YES! When people think of custom made pencil toppers, of course you want them to think of your custom made pencil toppers right??.  if this is the case, they we should need social media keys like "perfect logo" and be more creative.

Actually branding is all more about a "feeling" than anything that we can put hands on.  Creating a brand isn't simple, but if we can pull it off, people will associate our business with a certain feeling or aura.  To fulfill that side of themselves, they will head to the front doors and but away.  

To achieve all this, we must simply get the right keys!..

Thursday 27 October 2011

Opening Door Social Media Vs. Facebook

Hi readers, I'm back to share with you about how to open the social media door by using a Facebook???

The pathway to success has many doors you must open.  However, they aren't  in a straight line by any means.  Have we ever played a video or video game??? where should we start out in a central hub and have to find key or treasure in surrounding hallways?  Actually finding success is a not like that.  One of the doors must unlock in the social media door.  It's a recent addition to the maze of success but quickly became a very crucial one.  If we don't unlock the social media door,we're missing out on quite a bit a treasure...

Why Facebook??
Out of all social media outlets available, but why is facebook the door handle?? Actually it's simply of the most direct routes that we can take to reach the customers.  Facebook can become a "one stop shop" for the business if we update it correctly.  Not only that, we can converse with the base, and we can upload pictures, run a chat forum and even create a simple store front.  If we want to talk directly to the visitors, record a video and put it on the facebook page.

Opening the Door

After using a Facebook to open the social media door to success.  We can integrate other forms of social media into the campaigns.  Assembling a dedicated fan base on the facebook page makes it easy to get followers on twitter and Linkedln.  Opening social media door through Facebook also provides an opportunity to broaden the horizons.  It's really a great route to go and gives us a head start on the rest of the business career online!!!

Wednesday 26 October 2011

Promote Yourself Online!!!

Promote yourself online??? sound like so funny and weird right?? but of course it is.  It originated on the internet, how in the world would be an offline thing as well?? As a matter of fact, offline social media promotion can be just as important as posting on blogs and email campaigns.  I would venture its one of the most overlooked aspects of a social media effort.  Most of the things that PR must do is to promote social media campaign offline are relatively simple too.
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Tuesday 25 October 2011

Plain Language in PR

Using simple language to communicate with journalist is not considered bland but effective.  Whether PR Campaign targets community or business publications, it is unlikely that reporters reviewing your press kit will be familiar with specific industry jargon.  Providing them with information in plain language is the surest way to get point across, significantly improving your chances for media coverage.

Plain language keeps messages simple, but not simplistic.  it neither talks down to the reader.  It structures information logically, in familiar terms.  

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Monday 24 October 2011

PR Person!!

Public Relations is an intense and difficult job that can be rewarding and disappointing.  It can be exciting, and mind boring.  PR, more often than not is misunderstood by people outside of the industry.  Increasingly, the lines between PR, marketing and advertising are becoming more blurred and taking the industry into a new direction.  In short, once you got below the surface, PR is not what it appears to be from the outside. 

To be a PR person, you need to posses a certain skill set than can be broken down into two categories; "human skills and professional skills".  Human skills include things such as patience and congeniality, while professional skills include the ability to speak publicly and write professionally. 

Human Skills - [Patience] it's waiting to hear back from journalist or producers that you have pitched, or simply understanding that a PR campaigns takes time to gain traction and evolve, if you don't have patience, you will never be able to be PR person.

The best PR people are people who can put things into context.  The ability to take an idea and narrow or broaden it is important when it comes to pitching a story, as well as when it comes figuring out how to target the story.

Professional Skills - [Writing] don't have to be a novelist.  You can't write a decent letter, memo or most importantly, press release.  Despite the proliferation of emails and instant messaging, the ability to communicate via the written word is something lost on many people who have grown up in the electronic age.
[Orating] Public speaking is not easy, and it certainly takes most people time to get comfortable in front of a large group of people.  PR people need to be able to articulate their through and their company's story in front of an audience, be it a group of employees or a swarm of media. 

PR takes an immense amount of research and PR people who don't understand tools such as blogs, search engines and premium search services suffer the consequences.  
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